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Come Fly With Us!

We would love to have you!

The Hartwell Tailspinners is a radio controlled model club located in beautiful Hartwell, GA. 


We fly every Saturday starting at 9AM (weather permitting), and visitors are always welcome!


We offer help learning how to fly. We have a club trainer and have several folks ready to help. stop by and pay us a visit or contact us via email. and we will be glad to talk with you!

Club Meetings

  • Meetings are scheduled for the second Saturday of each month at 10:00AM

  • Meeting take place at the BIO fire station or at the field weather permitting. 

  • Bring something to Fly!


Our next club meeting is

Sept  14th at 10AM




Monthly news in 2024

Our Aug meeting went well we had the usual attendees. We discussed last months mins and approved them as read.

Ruptured Duck award for July went to these  folks: Dennis, Hoyt, Richard, Gary, Avery, Doug and Shannon. Congrats folks for making the list! well maybe not. We will have a vote at our December (Christmas meeting)

As a reminder we will be discussing the clubs expenses and making a decision at the Oct meeting. 

We talked about the Christmas Dinner and selecting a place to have it. It was brought up possibly doing it at the field weather permitting. Jeff C mentioned having at his Church fellowship hall. Please think about this and let us all know. We will decide on this in Oct as well. Jeff Caldwell has successfully learned to taxi and take off unassisted. His next step will be brining it in for a landing and then solo! Avery is progressing well and will also be flying on his own soon. 

FYI we have been using the club trainer almost every weekend and it is logging some flight time. I want to report that we had an ESC melt down due to a locked prop. Reminder if you have an old school ESC and the prop gets obstructed the current overload will take out the ESC. I learned that the hard way. The new style Badass V2 ESC's have an overload feature built in to prevent this. 

Tom will be working on a Sr Falcon to bring to the field. Richard F is working on an old Goldberg Cub. Be on the lookout for Brooks Super Decathlon. Hoyt and I have been working on this and it should be ready soon. 

Safety: It was suggested we take up the metal post behind the club building and replace it with a safety cone. This area is dedicated to Heli's and multirotor aircraft. We want to make it clear that the parking area and pits are off limits for flying. See the map that is posted on the club info board that shows designated areas on the map . If you have any questions please ask one of the club officers. The post will be replaced by an orange safety cone moving forward as suggested by one of our members. 

If you have any suggestions or want anything posted on the web site please let us know. Go and have some fun and fly something, and bring a friend!


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